What is a Vibrational Saboteur?

I was told by a channel that if the universe was to make a business card just for me it would read "Angela Gabriel, Vibrational Saboteur."

I had to sit with this for a while to understand and come to terms with what it meant for me and why it rubbed me the wrong way at first. Because in our current culture, the word "saboteur" is taken as a negative thing, and most of us probably attach the word "self" in front of it. We often blame our inner demons of "self sabotage".

The popularly believed origins of the word saboteur come from the french word sabot for the wooden shoes that empowered workers used to deliberately stop the machines of the factories that were oppressing them. The saboteur disrupts for justice, equality, and equal rights. 

When I apply this to my theory that I feel the vibration I create affect everything, it makes sense to me. So many of my habits needed (still need) to be shaken up; the vibrations of self doubt, shame, and fear can be sabotaged by and entrained with a stronger, more in-tune vibration of acceptance, curiosity, and self-love. In my definition, my inner saboteur isn't the part of me that destroys what I love, it is the part that destroys the oppressive beliefs and makes way for real, lasting, positive change.

When I sing and play with a group of people, I can feel the shift, the entrainment of our vibrations, and the creation of something powerful and positive in myself as an individual, as well as in the group as a whole. This is what I was made for. This is what the universe is calling me to do, to sabotage the ideas that we are separate and incapable of liberation.